Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Life Success the Ultimate Goal

Life Success the Ultimate Goal!

Every person wants to be successful in their endeavors regardless of the field where they are working such as business, employment, studies, family life, relationships, arts, sports etc. Great desires for success of persons limited not only to socially acceptable endeavors as above but also to antisocial and illegal strives like theft, robbery, bribing, wars, revenge, personal attacks etc. However when we talk about various goals in life, we usually think of positive goals only. In fact that’s right, all goals are positive for the person who sets the goal! However its result may be negative for somebody else or for the society.

The criterion for evaluating success is the rate of goal achievement. The goals can be physical, mental or spiritual. A person has number of goals in his life. Even a crying child has a goal, either to get something to eat or to get a toy. The goal of students may be to score top marks or high ranks in examinations. Young girls and boys have goals like better placement, a handsome life partner etc. The goals of couples may be a decent income, beautiful house, genius children etc. Old people want protection and care from children, grandkid’s love, good health and peaceful death etc. A sportsman aims to set the records and get medals as his goals.

Many persons have specific future plans and goals. Wealth, Carrier, Home and of course a place in Heaven are common goals for most of the human being. When a person declared that he has achieved every goal in his life, then we can say he has achieved Life Success, which is the ultimate goal of a person. However it is the human nature that goals and targets in life never cease. However never ending lust is a human weakness! Hence the life success is a personal matter controlled by your mind. Only you know whether you have achieved your goals or not.

NLP is a tool helping you in achieving your life goals and therefore life success using the potential of your mind. ‘Why’ every person doesn’t succeed? Or we can put this question in another way that ‘how’ a person is getting succeeded? NLP is interested only in the second question because the ‘how’ gives you more opportunity than ‘why’. NLP studies how people become successful in their endeavors and how they achieve the desired goal they want.

We have already discussed the mind concept of NLP that the conscious and the unconscious. You are well aware that thinking is a conscious process and you can’t think while sleeping. Therefore goal setting is a logical and conscious process and your conscious mind is the ‘goal setter’. Certainly the next relevant question will be ‘who is the goal achiever?’ and the answer is unconscious mind.

I can explain this with a simple example. Say you want to drive your car but you neither know driving nor have a license to drive! However your goal is to ‘drive your car’. For that you have to learn driving. So in the driving school the instructor teach you the theory first, so using your visual and hearing sense you feed all the instructions to the conscious mind. With the help of unconscious mind your conscious mind organizes a thinking process to learn the theory and the result of the process will be stored in the unconscious.

Now it’s the time for the driving practice. The same process will be repeated. The instructor will teach you systematically the mirror positioning, steering balance, acceleration, braking, gear change, indicators, signals etc. You will use visual (seeing), auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (feeling) senses to learn driving. All that you have learned will be recorded in the unconscious systematically. Every time the process such as, data transfer, recording, overwriting, knowing, thinking etc is taking place automatically. During the course of time whatever you have done consciously become unconscious. You are unconsciously changing the gear, applying the brake, pressing the accelerator and clutch pedals, turning the steering. All your actions are synchronized. Yes, you are a driver now. Get the license, you achieved your goal!

Dear friends, this is applicable for every goal in your life. However when there are breaks, delays, hindrances, hurdles etc in the process you can’t achieve your goals on time and certainly, there are a lot. That’s the answer for our question above.

I hope now you are ready to learn Neuro Linguistic Programming and NLP will enable you to ‘program your brain’! Be cautious, if you don’t program your brain, it will run on its own way and execute what they were circumstantially programmed to do. Your attitude, behaviour, habits, actions, responses and success rates are depends on the programs of your brain. Yes, your personality is exactly matching with the programs in your brain!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Unconscious Mind - The Donkey

The Donkey

We have discussed about a monkey then why can’t we discuss about a donkey too! We can use the term ‘silent donkey’ also to represent the mind, but the one which is not conscious. The conscious mind will work only when a person is conscious and we use the term unconscious to represent the mind while the person is not conscious. The psychologists and mind researchers divide the mind into conscious, subconscious, super-conscious, unconscious etc to demark its nature and functions. However the demarcation between the conscious and unconscious is widely acceptable. Don’t forget that there is no physical form for the mind and the mind is an abstract function of the central nerve system including the brain!

When the person is alive and not asleep he is in consciousness and aware of his surroundings. Whereas when the person is alive but sleeping he is not conscious and not aware of his surroundings. Since his senses are not working at this stage he is unable to perceive or know anything. But it doesn’t mean that his mind is not working. It is working silently. The major part of our mind, almost ninety percent, is always silent however vigilant and intelligent. This major part of the mind is not conscious means only about ten percent of our mind is conscious!

Figure 1 explains briefly the concept of conscious and unconscious mind. Yes, the monkey and the donkey! While studying Neuro Linguistic Programming we discuss only about conscious mind and unconscious mind and hence you just forget about the subconscious, superconscious etc for the moment, which means the unconscious mind in NLP represents every part of mind other than conscious mind. Still we haven’t discussed the functions of unconscious and conscious minds and their roles in the life.

You have been reading this topic for the last couple of minutes and I don’t know up to what extent you understand what you have read. You were using your conscious mind to perceive what is written. You have used your visual sense (eyes) to read the matter and the sensory input (whatever you have seen) is transferred in to the unconscious where each bit of input is compared with your experience already recorded in the brain.

I hope that you understand what I mean, say for example, you see a word ‘donkey’. If you don’t know anything about a donkey and if you have never seen even a picture of it, you never understand what I mean by a donkey here. So your conscious mind passes the sensory input of ‘donkey’ to the unconscious and a verification process will take place. If the donkey is already recorded there you will understand ‘what I mean by a donkey’ otherwise your unconscious will revert it to the conscious with a ‘?!’ mark. At this point you will open the ‘WordWeb’ or some other dictionaries for the meaning. This is the procedure for each and every bit of information you perceive, the speed of reading and understanding depends on your sensory experience and concentration (monkey!).  

Now you understand that the unconscious does the functions of a dictionary. Not only that it is a container of all experiences, knowledge, believes, values, habits, talents, skills and capabilities but also of thoughts, emotions, feelings etc. When you want to express a feeling, whether love, anger, sorrow, happiness, the emotion will automatically come to the conscious mind from the unconscious without making any conscious effort.  So your unconscious is very smart too!

What is behaviour? We usually consider it as the manner of acting or controlling ourselves. Not only that, in NLP every actions we do in our life is considered to be part of our behaviour which constitutes our personality. It is the action or reaction to a particular situation in life for the existence biologically, physically and socially. Who generates and controls our behaviour, the unconscious mind. Note that most of our behaviour is unconscious with the exception of what we do specifically through our conscious effort. Say for example the children prepare for elocution. Mothers practice new recipe.

Then, what about habits? It is the frequent repetition of an action you have executed many times, say for example twenty times. The action is getting recorded in the brain and while repeating it many times the unconscious mind channelizes it as a habit to repeat in a similar way. Life is almost impossible without behaviours and habits. Hope you understand the concept of conscious mind and unconscious mind to some extent. We will discuss it in detail later.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Conscious Mind - The Monkey

The Monkey
Some people may now think what is meant by a ‘monkey’ or why the title ‘catch your monkey’. Of course psychologists, persons in the medical field, those who attended mind empowerment programs, life coaching and meditation classes and great lovers of motivational books might know ‘the monkey’ very well. You can get a number of articles on ‘monkey mind’ in the Internet. Monkey is in fact represents our ‘conscious mind’.

While talking about the mind monastic leaders, philosophers and motivational speakers always use the word ‘monkey’ to represent conscious mind. You know that a monkey is always jumping here are there, swing from tree to tree. Buddhist teachers always use the term ‘monkey mind’ to explain the phenomenon that our conscious mind always jump from thought to thought without being in the present moment of awareness.  Say for example, think of what does your monkey mind usually do while you are praying in a church?!

It is because of this monkey we are unable to concentrate on a particular thing sometimes even though we want to do so. It is because of this monkey we are unable to concentrate in a book. The Monkey is the reason for most of the accidents in our life. Because of the monkey you are unable to accomplish your oaths!

Why you are off track from your goals many times? Well catch your Monkey, the conscious mind, it’s the culprit. The Monkey can make you a winner or a loser. So the Conscious Mind is very important in our life. Taming the Monkey Mind is the key to success! How? We will discuss it in detail later.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Free Online Training Program - Topic: NLP for Personal and Social Change

Free Online Training Program

Topic: NLP for Personal and Social Change

The modern society is very familiar with the subjects like Personality Development, Socialization, Social Change, Family Welfare etc.  Topics like Personal Change, Life Success, Mind Power, Family Therapy, Counselling etc are their latest versions with almost similar objectives. Sociology Students write essays on these subjects and professors make huge volumes of books.  There are professional trainers and experts to train people in these areas. Counsellors set various sessions to change people. However what is the outcome of such trainings and counselling? Whether such programs are effective? Do family and society get benefitted by these programs? You may probably organize a research program to find reasonable answers to these questions.

From my personal experience and interactions with others, individuals struggling from personal problems are unable to utilize their internal resources properly and also have no control over their mental process. Are there any effective and economical methods to make effective personal changes?   I was really in a research to find answers to these questions and finally met Professor Clement D’Souza who introduced me to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the great team who developed NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

I am quite sure that NLP can make personal and professional change most effectively and thereby change family and the society. You may be familiar with other methods to change individuals. However NLP can be used effectively to find the root cause of the problem and resolve it permanently. NLP leads you from the dark corridors of failure to the roads of success, from the hell of negative thinking to the paradise of positive thinking, and from the pain of emotional disorder to the pleasure of relaxation. NLP is the most economic and effective scientific approach towards personal change.

This is a free online NLP training program for personal change using the free service of The Vision of the program is ‘changing society by changing individual’. You can participate in this program in three ways. First, just read the sessions step by step two or three times and let your mind to process it. Second, introduce this program to your friends and colleagues. Third, change (healing and counseling) others applying NLP techniques.

The major objectives of this training program are:

-         - Help individuals to understand their internal world and change their life.
-         - Train individuals to program their brain and achieve their desired goals.
-        -  Make the process of counselling and therapy easy and effective. 

-        -  Empower change workers with the skill of healing interventions.

Thus by joining this program you become part of the global mission of changing society by changing individual. No age limit or minimum qualification required. You must have an intense desire to change, that’s all. Just keep on reading the sessions carefully and achieve the change you desire. In addition we will provide a course completion certificate for those who contact us and answering the set of questions that will be provided upon request.  Contact on email: ; Telephone: +91 8111 851 333

Change Your Mind and Get Healed


We are living in a world of rapid development. We are using technology in every walk of our life and our daily life is accelerated by the technology based equipment. Technology has remarkable roles in achieving wealth and health.  Health is the primary requirement to acquire the wealth. Without health one cannot have wealth.  The reason for a poor health may be a physical or mental ailment. Our medical practitioners are doing wonders in the field of medical science. Technology based medical treatments are most effective and are replacing the traditional medicines.

However medical science is not yet successful in the case of many of the physical ailment caused by the mental disorders or in other words there is not medicine for psychosomatic disease.  Medical science says that approximately 80% of our diseases are psychosomatic (psych – mind, soma – body, both originated from the Greek words psyche means the mind and somatikos means the body). They are physical disorders with mental (psychological) causes. There is no physical form for the mind. The mind is an abstract function of brain which is not only in the physical brain but is functioning everywhere in the body.

Do you have experience of some people get healed by a priest or a sage without medicine? Have you heard of any place where the people get healed without medicine? Probably you have but in many cases you never believed! Do you have such experience in your personal life? Many cases you may not take it seriously because you do not have any physical problems unresolved. When you have serious health issues you will seek for a better solution any way. But you will try first the Medical Science, then Ayurveda, probably Homoeopathy etc and after spending a lot of money you will visit the Churches and Holy places and finally you will come to a person who may not be a doctor or even a nurse and will get healed and go home. The person who causes the healing may be a priest, a pastor, a counsellor or just a good communicator!

A number of people are getting healed in this way. What is happening here? What invisible force is working here? Since you are not able to explain it nobody believes you. In order to explain this wonderful healing technique I have to explain you an interesting topic about the mind body communication based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is a science of how people change their lives using the potential of their mind power.

It is about how people become successful in what they do and how they achieve the desired outcome they want and how they improve the quality of their life. You can prevent the occurrence of illness, improve your health, reduce the effects of aging and even prolong your life using your mind power. NLP has been developed in the mid 1970s by Richard Bandler, a graduate student of computer programming and Psychology and John Grinder, Associate Professor of Linguistics both at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

NLP studies how we organize our thought that produces our emotions and moods (Neuro), and how we express them verbally and non-verbally (Linguistics), and how these together produce our behavior (Programming), both conscious and unconscious. Neuro part refers to neurology – the mind and how we think. How the nervous system (brain/mind/body) process information or experience the world through our five senses. Linguistics relates to the use of verbal and non-verbal language pattern including words, gestures, postures, facial expressions, sounds etc. Programming is about how we sequence or organize our sensory representations into patterns to achieve our specific and desired outcomes (goals).