Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Life Success the Ultimate Goal

Life Success the Ultimate Goal!

Every person wants to be successful in their endeavors regardless of the field where they are working such as business, employment, studies, family life, relationships, arts, sports etc. Great desires for success of persons limited not only to socially acceptable endeavors as above but also to antisocial and illegal strives like theft, robbery, bribing, wars, revenge, personal attacks etc. However when we talk about various goals in life, we usually think of positive goals only. In fact that’s right, all goals are positive for the person who sets the goal! However its result may be negative for somebody else or for the society.

The criterion for evaluating success is the rate of goal achievement. The goals can be physical, mental or spiritual. A person has number of goals in his life. Even a crying child has a goal, either to get something to eat or to get a toy. The goal of students may be to score top marks or high ranks in examinations. Young girls and boys have goals like better placement, a handsome life partner etc. The goals of couples may be a decent income, beautiful house, genius children etc. Old people want protection and care from children, grandkid’s love, good health and peaceful death etc. A sportsman aims to set the records and get medals as his goals.

Many persons have specific future plans and goals. Wealth, Carrier, Home and of course a place in Heaven are common goals for most of the human being. When a person declared that he has achieved every goal in his life, then we can say he has achieved Life Success, which is the ultimate goal of a person. However it is the human nature that goals and targets in life never cease. However never ending lust is a human weakness! Hence the life success is a personal matter controlled by your mind. Only you know whether you have achieved your goals or not.

NLP is a tool helping you in achieving your life goals and therefore life success using the potential of your mind. ‘Why’ every person doesn’t succeed? Or we can put this question in another way that ‘how’ a person is getting succeeded? NLP is interested only in the second question because the ‘how’ gives you more opportunity than ‘why’. NLP studies how people become successful in their endeavors and how they achieve the desired goal they want.

We have already discussed the mind concept of NLP that the conscious and the unconscious. You are well aware that thinking is a conscious process and you can’t think while sleeping. Therefore goal setting is a logical and conscious process and your conscious mind is the ‘goal setter’. Certainly the next relevant question will be ‘who is the goal achiever?’ and the answer is unconscious mind.

I can explain this with a simple example. Say you want to drive your car but you neither know driving nor have a license to drive! However your goal is to ‘drive your car’. For that you have to learn driving. So in the driving school the instructor teach you the theory first, so using your visual and hearing sense you feed all the instructions to the conscious mind. With the help of unconscious mind your conscious mind organizes a thinking process to learn the theory and the result of the process will be stored in the unconscious.

Now it’s the time for the driving practice. The same process will be repeated. The instructor will teach you systematically the mirror positioning, steering balance, acceleration, braking, gear change, indicators, signals etc. You will use visual (seeing), auditory (hearing) and kinesthetic (feeling) senses to learn driving. All that you have learned will be recorded in the unconscious systematically. Every time the process such as, data transfer, recording, overwriting, knowing, thinking etc is taking place automatically. During the course of time whatever you have done consciously become unconscious. You are unconsciously changing the gear, applying the brake, pressing the accelerator and clutch pedals, turning the steering. All your actions are synchronized. Yes, you are a driver now. Get the license, you achieved your goal!

Dear friends, this is applicable for every goal in your life. However when there are breaks, delays, hindrances, hurdles etc in the process you can’t achieve your goals on time and certainly, there are a lot. That’s the answer for our question above.

I hope now you are ready to learn Neuro Linguistic Programming and NLP will enable you to ‘program your brain’! Be cautious, if you don’t program your brain, it will run on its own way and execute what they were circumstantially programmed to do. Your attitude, behaviour, habits, actions, responses and success rates are depends on the programs of your brain. Yes, your personality is exactly matching with the programs in your brain!

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