Sunday, 17 January 2016

Circle of Excellence (solution for stage-fear etc.)

Circle of Excellence
(Ring of Power)
I am posting this NLP technique presuming that you have already learned and understand the previous sessions of NLP online training program. One of the major advantages of NLP is that you can transfer your excellence from one area or field of life to another, from the past to the present or you can model the excellence of someone you admire to your life. NLP is a science of modeling excellence. It is very common among teachers and parents to remark about students that some of them are excellent in one subject but poor in other. In fact poor performance is only the present reality of that student. The students can copy their excellence in a particular subject to a poor one and thus change their performance in that subject.  If you are excellent in making tea why can’t you be excellent in baking cake! Of course it is possible if you can copy your excellence from ‘tea making’ to ‘cake baking’.

Our problem is that we never try to be aware of our actual potentials. We never try anything other than what we think as very comfortable to us or the one which is most important for our life existence. One of my friends lost his wife due to severe diabetics. Around one year she has underwent dialysis twice a week. Their children were working abroad. Anticipating the dialysis he learned driving at the age of sixty and bought a car. He resigned from his job. He appointed a servant to help them. Unfortunately after one year of dialysis and palliative care she died. Later his big problem was the cooking.  He doesn’t know even how to make a cup of tea. The interesting thing is that the man who learned driving at the age of sixty believes that he can’t learn cooking! Our belief has an important role in exploring our potentials or resources.

          Remember the NLP presupposition “People have all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcome”. All our experiences and resources are stored in the unconscious mind and we can bring them up to the conscious to solve our current problems. ‘Circle of Excellence’ or ‘Ring of Power’ is one of such NLP technique which enables us to access these resources. This is an excellent technique to boost confidence level on occasions like public speaking, making presentations, facing interview, conducting meetings and training sessions, meeting higher authorities, stage performances etc. This is a wonderful NLP technique that can be used by persons of all age. The original script of ‘circle of excellence’ has been developed by the founders of NLP Richard Bandler and John Grinder.  If you have any doubt in understanding or practicing the steps stipulated below please do not hesitate in contacting me.

Steps to follow in practicing the circle of excellence:
1.     Identify a situation where your current or anticipated behaviour not provide you the desired outcome or result. Say for example public speaking.
2.     Break state (break state means you relax to your normal state of mind)
3.     Visualize a circle of excellence or a ring of power on the floor just in front of you. Make the circle of adequate size to step in, make it colourful and also give an auditory representation with a humming sound. You shall make the circle powerful one producing different sensory inputs.
4.     Recall a time you had those resources required for such performance. (Say, when talking to you spouse and children or when discussing with your friends.)
5.     Think of three different resources you had for a wonderful performance.
6.     Elicit one of the resourceful state (thinking of the event in which you performed well using the resource) and at the peak of the resourceful state, step into the circle of excellence. Experience as if you are reliving it now.
7.     Feel it kinesthetically and say an inspiring word such as ‘wonderful’, ‘excellent’ etc.
8.     Release the elicited feelings into the circle to make it more powerful and step out of the circle.
9.     Break state
10.            Choose a physical gesture (say, make a fist) and repeat step 6 and 9 long with the same gesture.
11.            Repeat step 6 to 10 with two or more events of resourcefulness. Remember that now you have a pool of resources in front of you which we called as the circle of excellence or the ring of power.
12.            Now step into the circle and re-access the resources and feel the resourcefulness.
13.            Test the resourcefulness by a trial performance of the ‘difficult task’ (say, public speaking) and feel the emotions as if it is happening now.
14.            Collect all resourceful energy and anchor it on your wrist or forefinger or somewhere else conveniently and step forward out of the circle.
15.            Think of a future situation. Assume the ‘ring of power’ in front of you and access the resources using the anchor and perform as if the event is happening now.

16.            Anchor the resource back again (stacking) on the same point. Every time you perform repeat the stacking of resources.

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