Thursday, 31 December 2015

Make the New Year Meaninful

Make the New Year Meaningful
          It is New Year Eve and everyone in a celebration mood make a halt on anchoring techniques for a moment and think of something more relevant for the season.  The one thing everybody always forgets during New Year celebration is the ‘process of aging’. Biologically aging is a naturally occurring organic process. Psychologically it is the process of acquiring and stalking the required qualities (values, believes and knowledge) and life skills for a successful personal and professional life. Dear friend, it’s a fact that we are one year older in 2016 than we were in 2015.

          Look at the mirror and check how many (more) of your hair becomes grey. Check to what extent your skin shrinks?! Just ignore it, it’s not the body that makes you older but the mind. Keep your mind young and stay young.

The New Year tells you many things such as:
-         You lost one year from our life span
-         Your expiry date is one year close to you
-         You are one more year senior in the society
-         You suppose to acquire more qualities (strengths) of life
-         You suppose to acquire more respect from family and society
-         You suppose to acquire more experience in personal and professional life

          First three are naturally occurring phenomena and the last three are acquired qualities. The first three will happen irrespective of the last three. Aging will be meaningful only when all the six happens simultaneously. If the last three doesn’t happen your life is meaningless and the society and your family don’t change their opinion about you. Do you know their opinion about you? Don’t worry, we will find it using a simple exercise.

Based on the above you have to carry out two exercises as follows.

(1) First one is a family exercise. Sit together with your family including your spouse, children and parents as far as possible. Each of you should take a paper and make three columns for name of person, strength/qualities and weakness. Write the senior person’s name on the paper. Against that name each of the persons including whose name is written shall write the strength/qualities/positives of the person on the respective column.  In the next column write weakness/negatives of the person. No limit, fill it honestly. Now, write the next senior person’s name and repeat the exercise and continue until the evaluation of each person is completed. You may require more paper, doesn’t matter. Encourage everybody to right as plenty as possible. Now consider from the youngest to the eldest. Take the youngest one’s name first. Count which one is more in number whether strength or weakness. If the weakness is more the person must think seriously and make remarkable changes in his behaviour for the sake of personal, family and social life. Find which are the common weaknesses addressed by most of the members and take a decision to quit it in 2016.

(2) Second one is a personal exercise. Here is a table that enables you to evaluate your qualities, strengths and weakness. Fill in the cell as appropriate and take new decisions for a life change. Note that never take too hard decisions like ‘I will completely stop smoking from tomorrow’ instead ‘I will gradually quit smoking from tomorrow onwards’.  Means instead of the daily 20, you should reduce 1 each a day. 

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