Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Life, mind and body are part of one system

Life, mind and body are part of one system

Presupposition 10: Life, mind and body are part of one system.

So far we have discussed the following nine presuppositions:
1.     Everyone lives in their own unique model of the world. 
2.     Map is not the territory.
3.     Underlying every behavior there is a positive intention.
4.  People have all the resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcome.
5.     There are always choices.
6.     There is no such a thing as failure, only result or feedback.
7.     Every person always works perfectly in accordance with their internal strategy.
8.     Even though the only reliable information about a person is the behavior, the person is not the behaviour.
9.     Behavior and change should be evaluated in terms of context and ecology.

          There are many other presuppositions to be discussed however to make you more interested in NLP life change techniques and therapies I think it is better now to start introducing NLP techniques and more presuppositions will be discussed on a later stage as and when required. In this session we discuss the fundamental presupposition of NLP ‘Life, mind and body are part of one system’.

          Here the referred system can be defined as interdependent group of components (organs or parts) forming a unified whole human body and actively involved in various process within the body for obtaining a biological or psychological objective. NLP deals with life change which include psychological change, physical change and social change or in other words psychological change leads to physical change which leads to social change and thus the whole life of a person gets changed.

          We have to discuss the system in detail. In order to understand the integrated system of life, mind and body, we should recall the ‘mind body communication’ under the session ‘Heal Yourself and Others’. Please read the above session carefully once again. It is your mental health decides your life.

          We have learned in the earlier sessions that our mind programs our brain and the brain controls our body functions. At every moment of time programming and reprogramming is happening in your brain. Your life is the result of these programs! Conscious and unconscious minds cooperate and work together to set the program and therefore to make your life. All that you are doing in your life, whether good or bad for you are according to these programs. Your attitude, behaviour and habit are generated and controlled by these programs.

          When we experience an emotion our brain communicates with our body. Scientists have discovered a link between the mind and body. The means that the mind and body communicate with each other is through chemistry of emotion. When the mind experiences an emotion some chemicals are created within the body. These are chains of amino acid molecules, peptides and receptors and we can call it as the biochemical correlate of emotion.

          Our body cells listen to all our thoughts every moment of our lives. Hence our emotions influence our body function as the peptides and receptors are in constant communication with our body. When you afraid your heart beats increases, when you angry your face muscles stretches and skin colour changes and when you feel happy your body get relaxed. So your physical health depends on psychological health to a large extent.

          Therefore mind and body influence the life of a person or the life, mind and body are interconnected to working together as a system. It is not possible to isolate just one part of the system. If you change one aspect of a system it will affect the rest. When we think differently our bodies change and when we act differently our thoughts and feeling also change. Hence always keep in mind the presupposition ‘life, mind and body are part of one system’.

          With this we have completed ten presuppositions and we are ready to go ahead with the lessons related to NLP life change, healings and therapies. Always remember that NLP techniques can be utilized by a person himself for self-motivating to effect the change and at the same time it can be utilized through the intervention of others such as therapies, counseling etc. All these will have wonderful positive benefits in life if one makes use it systematically with enough patience. Also remember that there is a time lag between the application of NLP techniques and its results on mind, body and life. 

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