Sunday, 1 November 2015

Applications of Mood Change NLP Techniques

Applications of Mood Change NLP Techniques

          In the previous session we have seen one of the NLP techniques to change mood. However many readers raised a question whether mood change is so important or not. Mood change should be considered seriously because negative moods are unresourceful and unhealthy states for everybody. To be in an unresourceful state for long period leads to depression. Being in angry mood for long time causes hypertension, stomach problems etc. The habit of being worried and tensed about future events results into anxiety disorder.

          Off moods create relationship problems. Husband wife tug of war begins with off mood! In off mood persons behave differently. Senses do not work accurately because of unwanted filters from the negative internal representations. Hence you feel no taste even for a nice coffee! Negative moods affect personal effectiveness and therefore affect professional and business performances. Men sometimes try to recreate the moods using alcohol which worsen the situation. Negative mood even affects immunity of our body. These are a few examples of the causes of negative moods.  NLP technique is very useful to change your negative moods as well as to help others to change their moods. 
          Generally it is the human nature to hide personal problems from others and become a victim of stress, tension, anxiety etc. If the problem remains for a long period a state of depression will be created. However no one is always depressed. One of the reasons for people get depressed is the lack of sharing personal problems. When a person is unable to find choices and solutions for his personal problems he should seek help from others. If they get a help on right time they can definitely stay safe from worse state. What kind of person commits suicide, persons who doesn’t have a good friend or an honest person to share their emotional issues and to help them to find other choices! NLP says there are always choices. Problem is the lack of self motivation to find choices and solutions.  
Applications of mood change techniques:

(1) You can use this technique to change your own negative moods to positive for the betterment of your professional life, family life and social life. It will help you to be in a resourceful state so that you can utilize maximum opportunities and best choices in life.

(2) You can use this technique to help your children in studies. Negative moods are one of the major problems that pull children down from the state of successfulness. Thus their overall performance will be poor.

(3) You can also help your friends and colleagues who are the victims of negative emotions and moods so that they find more choices and resources.

(4) NLP technique will enhance the profession of Counsellers since the result is very fast and long lasting.

(5) Socially motivated teachers can change their students and help them in obtaining better results. 

          Another question is whether one’s family members will do what he suggests. It is not necessary to intervene as a counsellor therapist in their life. Objective of NLP intervention is nothing but to change internal representation which creates the negative mood. People who feel a particular mood have their brains filled with very clear, bright, loud, close and heavy images (submodalities) of the experiences producing that particular mood. The mood or state may be good or bad for that person.

          Bad mood indicates that images to create good mood is lying dull, soft, far and light.  The solution is to change the submodalities of image that can create good mood to very clear, bright, loud, close and heavy and that of the unwanted image in the other way around. The submodality change exercise as mentioned above is an NLP therapy which will be discussed in detail in another session. A therapist or trained counsellor applies NLP technique systematically on his client however it is not easy for persons to act as a therapist or counsellor in home or office to change their relatives.

          How to change a person who is our beloved one from our family or friends circle? First of all you should maintain intense rapport with them so that they will open their mind fully towards you. Accept their internal world. Listen to them. Take care of them. Love them. Being the beloved one you have to recall wonderful moments of your life in which they are involved. Share funny moments with them.  Tell about events, persons and life activities that they are very much interested. Note that changing a person is a divine service and changing your beloveds is not a service but your responsibility.

          Even a telephone call from one of your best friend can change your mood. Here your friend unknowingly changing the submodalities of your internal representation. Telephone calls are villains too! A telephone call can make you mood-off. 


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  2. Thank you so much for this nice information. Hope so many people will get aware of this and useful as well. And please keep update like this.

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