Sunday, 22 November 2015

There are always choices

There are always choices

Presupposition 7: There are always choices.

          Who commits suicide, those have no other choices! To have choices is very important for the betterment of life. However the question is who provides choices and where the choices are available.

          Winston Churchill says “optimist sees opportunity in difficulty and pessimist sees difficulty in opportunity”. One who searches choices will find it. Searching choices is a life sustaining activity which is the result of positive thinking. Choices are required for the betterment of life and ‘to have a choice is better than no choice’. More choices in life mean more freedom.

          Sometimes a person is in such a situation where by his thinking process is totally disturbed or mind get stuck and he can’t think of or access the choices or solutions anymore. There are number of internal and external reasons for it. However major reason is the internal filters and the resulted internal map based on which the person processes thinking. The person lives at the ‘effect’ of the perceived ‘cause’. Here is the importance of a choice provider. A good friend, an influencing person, a counsellor or a social worker can be a choice provider.  Even a good speech or an influencing experience can release the mental blockage.

          In fact a choice provider never provides the choice but act as a catalyst to alter the process of thinking and help the person to discover and access the choice. There are always choices but because of the mental blockage the person is unable to see and identify it.

          Let us see what happens in the case of depressed persons. They conclude that it is impossible for them to live any more, all roads are closed. Some of them believe that everybody around them laughing at them and are their enemies. Some believe that all are cheating them. Some of them want to take revenge against them and others want to escape from the people and the world.  Others want to get rid of all headaches and shame. The only way in front of everyone of them is to end the life because they can’t think of any other choice.

          The same thing is happening in the case of phobia also. Having just one choice is no choice at all. Every time when the phobic trigger comes up we feel that there is no other choice. Hence we believe that we have no protection from the object of phobia (snake, height, dog, water, lift etc) and which create a fear. Trauma is the worst form of phobia which makes one’s life so difficult.

          Many people take hard decisions in the walks of life because of mental blockage. Many others are unable to take decisions. Mental block disables persons from searching choices. One of the major objectives of NLP is to provide more choices. Many of the NLP presupposition along with NLP techniques are developed to increase the number of choices available in any given situation. All communications should increase choices. The outcome (result) of the therapy enables the client to move from the point of ‘effect’ (fear) to the point of ‘cause’. At cause the client have access to choices.  At effect client has no other choice. 


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