Friday, 30 October 2015

Change Your Mood with NLP Techniques

Change Your Mood with NLP Techniques

          Being in different emotional states or moods is very common among all human beings. Even animals have different moods. Every person gets into different states (moods) as part of their life experiences. But the states may not last for long. Moody or mood off state is a problem state for a person. Mood off states makes a person unable to access his inner resources and utilize his talents. Some persons get self motivated and come out of the moody state in a matter of time. Others will take more time to change mood. However there are a few who remains mood off most of the time. They become lazy and show no interest in anything. They work like machines and prefer to do routine works only. Habitual mood of states create relationship problems and financial setbacks in life. We have to consider it as a mental disorder and require external intervention.

          What is the role of NLP in reinstating mood? As we have discussed earlier that you cannot not think while you are awake and we think based on experiences that comprise mental images, sounds and feelings. What will be your mood if you are thinking of an event in which a person insults you in front of others? What will be the mood of a child if he unexpectedly fails in an exam? You look for a promotion and you offer a treat to your family and what will happen if you lose it? Definitely your mood gets off.

          In all the above cases what is happening? An image flashes into your mind and you start think of it automatically. You create images of subsequent events, other’s attitude, behaviour and approach towards you. You talk yourself in a pessimistic way. You will be anxious about what next? If you have financial setback you definitely will be worried about your projected plans.  So you have created a picture that makes you feel bad. What else do you require for an off mood! All human beings experience mood off states throughout their life regardless of their age.
          So it is very clear that your experience does not create ‘off moods’ but how you perceive and process the experience in your internal world creates the moody condition. So what are the solutions? Either change your process of thinking which means view the experience on a different perspective or stop thinking which is not possible hence change the subject of thinking. What moms do when baby cries? Baby cries either of off moods or of some physical problems. Mom shows the moon at the sky and tells ‘baby, my pearl, how beautiful is the moon, it calls you’. She is trying to replace the negative image with a positive one! It is not easy to change the process of thinking or replace the negative images because it is the human nature to hold on the negative images and to be worried and distressed about it. However it is possible to change the moods with simple NLP techniques.

NLP Technique to Change Moods:

1. Notice the images, sounds and feelings in your inner world.
2. Find the location of feelings on the body (say for example on chest, throat, stomach      etc) and know its direction of spin (just concentrate on the location and just watch        it,  you will get).
3.  Notice your physiology and breathing at your unwanted moody state.
4. Think of what is the most useful and encouraging state for you.
5. Move the negative images away and replace them with positive images (images of      your God, best friend, best place, wonderful experiences etc) that encourage you and    make you feel the way you want to feel.
6. Tell yourself your favourite quotes of positive thinking to empower you and to           erase  the negative feeling.
7. Replace your negative internal talks (what a shame, I’m a failure, I’m unlucky etc)     with positive encouraging statements (I Can, Nothing is Impossible, God is with         me etc).
8. Appreciate yourself of your best qualities and achievements.
9. Find the location of the new positive feelings and make it spin in the opposite              direction of the unwanted feeling.     
10.  Change the physiology and breathe differently.
11. Recall a memory of which you feel wonderful and see what you saw, hear what          you heard and elicit the wonderful feeling throughout the body.
12. Spin the new wonderful feeling in the direction of the positive feelings.

Read the above texts twice or thrice and understand the NLP concept of it and try to change your mood. Also you can help others to change moods. 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Properties of Mental Images

Properties of mental images

          As we have discussed earlier we think based on images, sounds, feelings, tastes and smells. They are called modalities of perception. If we explore these first hand information, the modalities we understand that they have minute details. Say for example if you have the image of your mother in your mind at the moment, in further examination you understand how much close is the image with you and what the size is, also is it dim or bright or is there any sound or what feelings you have when you see her image etc.
          In a similar way while you see ice cream on your mental screen you can measure the distance, size, brightness, feelings, taste, smell etc. These details of modalities are called submodalities. The Submodalities influence our mental state to a large extent or in other words submodalities can change our emotions and moods.

          Suppose you visits a zoo and see a wild lion moving in a cage from a distance of two hundred yards. You watch it very cool because you see it dull, small and very far. Now you walk toward the cage. As you come close to the cage what will happen your heart beat increase little bit because you come closer to the lion. Because you can see it as big, very clear and close to you. And when you reach the cage as close as possible your heart beats and breathes shoot up even though the lion is in the cage!
          What is happening here? Your mind processes the present experience make use of the filtering system in your mind. As a result your unconscious tells the conscious that the lion is a wild animal and carnivorous, so be careful. This specific characteristic of our mind has advantages and disadvantages in making our life healthy or unhealthy and successful or unsuccessful. This is the case of a real experience. The same lion may appear in your mind when you are away from the zoo and if the picture is very close and bright you may again afraid even with the absent of the real lion. Your unconscious mind is unable to differentiate between reality and mental images or the past and the present. It is the duty of conscious mind to convince the unconscious what is real or unreal and what is past or present. When conscious fails problems arise.

          I can make it very clear. A 10 year old girl observes that a cobra comes fast towards her with the intension to bite. Somehow she could escape from the site and its bite by running very fast on the road. But the poor girl was so afraid thinking that she lost her life. Now she has sleepless nights. She gets shocked by seeing the image of snakes while closing her eyes. On the way to school and church she is looking around whether any snake comes. Sometimes even a rope in the dim light looks like a snake for her! Without the company of somebody she can’t go anywhere. She can’t sleep. She has a very difficult life now.

          Now let us think about what makes her afraid? Is the snake she saw? No, because it was a past event and no snake there. Snake in the past can’t bite her! Also a snake in the future too can’t bite the present her! Then what’s the problem? There is a present snake somewhere which makes her afraid. And that’s the snake in her mind, the image of that particular snake! It’s a living one for her at present. The picture may not be standstill, may be a movie. She can see the snake, listen the hissing sound, expanded head and she feel the feelings as if it is happening now. So she afraid every time when her mind starts play the movie or the image. And her fear will increase or decrease according to the submodalities of the mental movies or images. This is how mood gets off, addictions starts, phobia comes and affections begin for every person.

          I hope that by reading up to this point you have got some clues about the cause and effects of inner world images. So what is the solution to eliminate the impacts of images or movies from the mind? Change the submodalities, that’s all i.e change the distance, intensity, brightness, size, location, sound etc. Let us see what are the various submodailites? The list given below indicates the modalities and submodalities.
   Above list indicates various parameters (submodalities) of internal representation of sensory experiences the difference of which makes different feelings in our mind. When feelings change the mental state and moods change. When an image is far you have a different feeling than when it is very close. You have a different feeling when the image is very bright rather dim. If the sound is very loud and clear, you have a different feeling than it is light and unclear. The clear and close image of the snake we discussed makes a different feeling than a dull and distant image. If the hiss sound is so loud your feeling is different than it is very light. And if the image is accompanied with the sound you will have yet another rich feeling.

          Changing submodality is one of the NLP techniques to heal phobias, hatred, love affections etc. We will have more discussions on it in the coming sessions.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Videos in Mind Affects the Life

Videos in Mind Affects the Life!

          Most of the people are not aware that there are videos and audios running in their mind. You just close your eyes and think of your mother. What is happening? Her picture immediately comes in your conscious mind! Now think about one of your favourite places you have recently visited and watch it for one or two minutes what is happening? Finally close your eyes, breath in and out slowly and relax, think of your God you worship daily and just feel what is happening.

          In all these cases you actually see the image of the person or the material you think of. If you carefully watch you understand that you not only see but hear, feel and even smell and taste! Do you still have doubt? Just think of a crystal dish full with . . . delicious ice cream . . . of . . . chocolate . . . . . . sweet . . . . . decorated with cherry . . . . cashew . . . just . . . in front of you. How do you f…e…e…l… it now? If you don’t have a mouthful of feeling you definitely have some problem. You should immediately meet a physician!
          Now think you are just in a church or temple and the priest coming forward with incense in a censer offering benedictions. You just close your eyes and gently receiving blessings and the grace of God. I hope you can see the priest, smell the incense and feel the grace. Now just try to make the image close to you and smell the incense much better, feel the feelings you get in the temple or church.

          Friends, this is what happen in every moment of our life. We think based on images, sounds and feelings. We can smell and taste mentally. And this natural characteristic of mind influences our life to a very large extent. It can totally change our state of mind, moods and emotions at every moment of our life.

          Then, what may be the reason a chronic drinker goes to the liquor shop or party every evening with the intention to consume alcohol? Or in other words what encourage or force the person to drink hot beverages. Yes, the person has a very clear video in his mind of the liquor bottle, glass, smell, sound of bottles and glasses, the party, the kick it gives etc. The person sees, hear, feels, smells and tastes. The person follows this clear picture and he reach the spot on right time!

          We have to explore every detail (modalities and submodalities of internal representations) of the videos in our mind and how can we control it and utilize it to change our life. The topic continues. . .

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

NLP Concept of Life Change

NLP Concept of Life Change

          Life change is misunderstood by many people. Some people ask why they have to have a life change since they feel no problems in their life. They are satisfied with what they have. In fact the change is a comparative word which represents an old and a new. In case of life change there should be a ‘new life’ and an ‘old life’. Again there is confusion. Why a new life? All these questions comes from the state of egotism that I have no problem and it is a shame for me if others know that I’ve a problem. This is a human psychology. And this egotism constructs a big wall against life success. I am a victim of my ego. To make it very clear and cool it is better to say ‘present life’ and a ‘better life’.

          We can view life change in different angles. Let us talk about the one related to health and the other related to wealth. Suppose I have some mental health problems or physical health problems and hence my life is not up to the mark according to my point of view. So I want to get rid of these problems so that I can have a cool peaceful life. In the same way suppose my financial status is not up to the level what I am expecting. I want to earn more money and I want to increase my source of income or change my business or job or start new business etc. In all these cases I am looking for new ideas, additional resources and solutions. When I attain what I want, I have a ‘life change’ means a ‘better life’. So I have solved out my health problems as well as my financial problems.  I can say that I have changed my life!

          Hence life change means change from an ‘unsuccessful life’ to a ‘successful life’ ‘problem life’ to a ‘peaceful life’, ‘average life’ to a ‘better life’, ‘unhealthy life’ to a ‘healthy life’, or ultimately a ‘present life’ to a ‘desired life’. However the difference between the two states depends on the personal requirements.

          To understand life change on a NLP point of view we have to discuss the ‘inner world vs life’ scenario. Figure 3 indicates how the inner world affects the life and the life change. We have discussed enough about the personality on the NLP point of view. Person’s life is a result of his or her personality. The inner world (determines the personality) of a person is developed based on the sensory input from the ecology of a person born and brought up and the subsequent filtration process. We have already discussed about ‘filters’ to some extent under the session ‘NLP concept of personality’.
          You have a unique thinking pattern, feelings, attitudes, behaviour and habits according to your unique inner world (internal representation). Your present mental state (moods and emotions) exactly matches with your inner world. If you are happy at this moment means your inner world creates a happy state of mind. So your present mental state or your mood is ‘happy’. Your physiology (the way you sit, walk, act, talk, behave etc) matches with your present mental state. When you are sad you act in one way and when happy you act differently. When you are angry you act differently than when you’re not. There is no doubt that when you act differently you will have a different result in life! All these means that your present life, whether successful or unsuccessful, is the result of your present mental state, which is the result of your way of thinking, attitudes, behaviour, habits etc.

          You can’t have a better life with your present pattern of thinking, attitudes, behaviour and habits. You have to change or update or adjust many of them. The extent of adjustment depends on the extent of your desired life. “When you are in Rome be a Roman” means you must make adjustments in your behaviour, habits, menu, clothing, lifestyle etc. And if you are not ready to do that you can’t dream a life in Rome! Tuning face against changes or reluctant to do adjustments is one of the major reasons of family disintegration. If we need a better personal or professional life we should be ready to do adjustments in our inner world. Then we will have a new pattern of thinking, attitude, behaviour, habits etc which results into a new state. The new state definitely results into a new outcome.

          Let us think of a depressed person. Why he or she is depressed? The simple answer is that the person thinks to be depressed! We can definitely say that it is a negative thinking about a problem that has no solution according his or her inner world. Why there is no solution? Because the person is at present thinking in a particular pattern and all of their action is exactly in line with that thinking. The person can’t think in another way until self motivated somehow or intervened by another person, a solution provider (a mentor, healer, counsellor etc).

          Let us think of another case, a businessman who wants to double his income. His present life outcome is the result of his present inner world. He should have new perceptions to update his inner world. He should make changes in his actions. He needs to change his attitude and behaviour in his personal and professional life. He needs to contact with more businessmen. He should do market survey which he has never done so far. He needs more information about the strategies of other successful businessmen. All these will change his inner world. Then he will progressively have a better life or desired life.

          This is the way NLP approaches the changes in life. I hope you now have a hold on the NLP approach towards life change. I request you to invite your friends and other interesting persons to join with this NLP training program.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Heal Yourself and Others

Heal yourself and others!

          People are addicted to medicine and hence pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business to increase the market share and to earn more. Not a single doctor makes the patient sad of not prescribing medicine. Patients are very happy when doctor suggests lab tests and prescribe medicines. They blame the doctor who sends a patient back without prescribing medicines.  Many doctors are living between the devil and sea. One side the medical ethics and other side the frustrated patient.

          Recently a cancer patient in our village was telling that he is very angry to his doctor because he didn’t prescribe any medicine for a week time. How can a doctor prescribe chemotherapy or radiation without proper investigation, biopsy and lab reports! This is the case of a terminal disease but we can’t even manage minute headaches, little fever or small wounds without medicine.
          Sometimes doctors test new medicines on their patients without their consent and you may be one of that ‘guinea pigs’! You have the right to know which medicine cures your disease however even the doctor doesn’t know, then how do you know it? This is a universal problem in the medical field.

          Doctors prescribe medicines for stress, tension, anxiety, fear and all kinds of aches without considering the root cause. They know that they can’t solve the problem but they are under pressure. Many patients are lifelong consumers of medicines for such mental disorders. Pharmaceutical companies encourage them by sending ‘the best customer award’. Customer satisfaction is their motto!

          The fact is that almost seventy to eighty percent of our diseases are psychosomatic which can’t be treated with medicine! Psychosomatic diseases are diseases of body (soma) caused by abnormalities in the mind (Psych). They affect the body and hence some medicine may require to reinstates the body conditions.  However it is just a temporary solution. The problem still remains and it will affect the body again and again and doctor prescribes the same generic medicines every time.

          You might suffer from headaches many times and just by applying a balm or using a pain killer it disappear without using any medicine to cure the problem behind headache. Pain is not a disease it is the symptom of physical hurt or disorder. So to eliminate the pain the root cause of the pain should be treated. When you have a physical wound you feel pain until it heals. You clean the wound and use medicines to avoid infection. That’s all.  

          Medical science can do wonders on human and animal bodies to protect them from viruses, bacteria and fungus.  Injuries are well treated by medical science. They can replace the internal organs with readymade artificial organs. They can transplant internal organs including liver and heart from one person to other. They reinforce the limbs with artificial one. These are the most valuable services the medical science can do for human being to sustain their life. However all these wonderful medical practices form only around 20 to 30% of interventions where the application of medicines supports the treatment! Homeopathy and Ayurveda are also found much effective in curing above diseases with the exception of surgery.

          What about the other 70 to 80% health problems which constitute the major part? They are the mental disorders where medicine can do nothing to cure the actual cause of diseases but only the effects. But unfortunately people prefer to consult medical practitioner and obtain medicinal drugs even for psychosomatic disorders because the patients want relief from its effects, headaches, pains on body, numbness, stress, tension etc. The fact is that usually most of such psychosomatic disorders are not properly diagnosed and identified as psychosomatic. The patients meet a physician or some other specialist and get medicines for the symptoms or the effects and they get rid of it temporarily. Since the root causes are not solved patient continues the treatment for lifetime!

          Phobias, traumas, migraine headaches, allergies, bad habits, perverted attitudes, unwanted behaviours, stress, tension, anxiety, emotional blocks etc are nothing but mental disorders. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like nail biting, thump sucking, bed wetting and impulsive behaviours like bulimia, anorexia, obesity, procrastination, laziness, indecisiveness, talking too loudly, excessive self criticism and overspending are also caused by mental abnormalities.  

          Normal life is impossible for many highly educated people due to migraines and allergies. Medical practitioners test a number of medicines on them for years but no permanent solution.  Lift phobia and flight phobia affects the performance of very rich businessmen. Hydrophobia, dog phobia, snake phobias etc are the problems of common people. There are a lot more psychological problems people bear for a long period even after continuous medication. We can include all these problems under the common name psychosomatic diseases since the root cause lies in the mind not in the body.

          What is the role of NLP in healing psychosomatic diseases? Here we have to recall the process of forming ‘internal representation or inner world’. The sensory input translated into internal images, sounds and feelings and stored as our inner word or map.  We act based on this map. We know that the thought process and filtration play the major roles in the formation of the map. Internal Map influences the body through brain functions and we can call it as the mind body communication.  We look at what we think we can or can’t, we tell ourselves what bad or what good, we have feelings about the things or events. Our feelings are in fact composed of the images and sounds we make in our inner world. When we experience an emotion our brain communicates with our body.
          Scientists have discovered a link between the mind and body. The means that the mind and body communicate with each other is the chemistry of emotion. When the mind experiences an emotion some chemicals are created within the body. These are chains of amino acid molecules, peptides and receptors and we can call it as the biochemical correlate of emotion.

          Peptides are biologically occurring short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide (amide) bonds. These bonds are covalent bonds formed when the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another. Neurokinin A is an example of such peptides that has many excitatory effects on nervous systems of mammals and is also influential on the inflammatory and pain responses of mammals.
          Receptors are protein molecules usually found embedded within the plasma membrane surface of a cell that receives and response to chemical signals from outside the cell. Good examples of such receptors are the neurotransmitter receptors transmitting information from one nerve cell to another.

          Our body cells listen to all our thoughts every moment of our lives. Hence our emotions influence our body function as the peptides and receptors are in constant communication with our body. This is the reason for psychosomatic diseases! When you afraid your heart beats increases, when you angry your face muscles stretches and skin colour changes and when you feel happy your body get relaxed. When you feel so sorrow your eyes flood tears! When you hear some shocking news your body becomes stiff and you can’t move. All these are the real conditions. But the unconscious mind is unable to discriminate what is true or what is false. Unconscious believes what your conscious tells or what you think.
          Say for example: During a night you walk through a street. At once the power supply fails. All lights go off. You stop walking because it is very dark. Suddenly you hear some sound nearby. Somebody is moving there. “Yes, somebody is there.” You affirmed. You just remember the words of your colleague “be careful, they are very angry towards you and may retaliate at any time”. Your heart beat increased. You feel shivering. “Yes, that’s definitely the person sent by them to retaliate”. You become very scared and try to call out loudly for help but your throat dries out. “Better to run fast”, you change the decision. You immediately lean forward to run, but right away the power supply comes. You looked around and found nobody there and it is a five feet tall garden plant swaying in the wind!

          If you see a rope and think that it’s a snake your unconscious considers it as a snake and tells you to save your life. If you see a person and assume that he comes to kill you then your unconscious mind tell you to run away. Your teacher tells you that elocution is a difficult task for you and you can’t do it and better to try something else. If you believe it your unconscious mind never allows you to step on to a stage. Shortly you will have stage fear! So whatever your mind believes your body acts accordingly.  When you repeat the acts you create a habit. Habits of fear, tension, anxiety, hatred, revenge, doubt, eating, spending etc. This is the basic reason for psychosomatic diseases.

          NLP can intervene here. Using NLP techniques we can understand the internal map of a person and update it. Richard Bandler and other NLP practitioners worldwide healing people and changing their life for the last 40 years. The objective of the blog “catch your monkey” is to familiarize you with Neuro Linguistic Programming and enables you to change your life as well as that of many others’. Remember NLP practitioners do not prescribe any medicine to heal a person.

          I will include a number of NLP techniques in this free training course however you should read every session two or three times very carefully. I request you to convey the message to others too. Keep on learning NLP.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

You Can Change Your Husband

You can change your husband!

          To change is a natural law. It is the sign of development. No progress without change. Here we are discussing about the personality change of a person for a better family life. Personality change makes change in personal life, professional life and family life. A person can change himself by self motivation or by the influence of others. In an NLP point of view if you want to change a person you have to complete as a minimum four tasks.

1   1. Set a goal and visualize it
2   2. Identify the personality to change
     3. Change Yourself to build rapport
4   4. Accept the inner world of the other person

          I know it is a very difficult task for you to change your attitude, behaviour and habits that you follow for years. Then how can you expect the other person to change their attributes that he follows! The fact is that everybody can change. Every life change is goal oriented or a life change without goal is not sustainable. We will discuss this matter in detail.

          Maria is a fatty girl of twelve years almost close to her adolescence. Most of her friends are slim and they shower comments on her regarding her habits of eating everything. So far she neglected such comments and keep on satisfy her taste buds. However now a days she is beauty conscious and observing her cute friends. She notices that all heroines are slim. She also notices that slim and cute girls have boyfriends! She likes boys but she has no boyfriends at all and even boys too comments at her. She feels inferiority complex and has sleepless nights now. One day she read an article in women’s magazine saying that changing to slim is not a difficult task! “Thank God, this is your gift for me on the right time”! She has decided to follow the instructions of dietician and yoga guru as outlined in the magazine.

          Think for a moment, what will happen to her now? Will she be succeeded? Can we have a slim and cute Maria? All depends on how serious is she with her goals. If she has a definite goal and she chases it with an intense desire to succeed, her dream becomes true. Every achievement whether small or big in our life is the result of a goal oriented task. However we don’t notice it because though we set the goal consciously achieving goals is an unconscious task. Goals for the existence of life set naturally by all animals including human being unless there is any psychological lapse.  In order to achieve her goal Maria should recalls it every day many times.  She should visualize the goal with her inner eyes. There should only be the new slim and cute Maria in her mind, not that old fatty girl. Once your unconscious mind accepts the new you, the slim and cute, then you have succeeded because your unconscious will not allow you to follow your earlier junk food menu and the lazy daily activities. You changes your old life style means you changes yourself to achieve your goal. Many of us want to achieve goals but not ready to change ourselves. You should have a meaningful and systematic program to achieve your goal. This is how every winner accomplishes their task and achieves their desired goal.

          Considering the above example of Maria, she achieves her new outlook by setting a goal and changing life style. She has changed her attitude, behaviour and habits towards food, physical activities and life style. Similar exercise requires to changes other person who is a part of your life. If you continue your attitude, behaviour and habits unaltered you can’t change your spouse or your children. First of all you have to set the definite goal and secondly study the unique personality of other person. Thirdly, you should change your attitude, behaviour and habits to adjust with the personality of other person. Finally and most importantly you should accept the inner world of the other person. Acceptance, Respect, Love and Care are very important in maintaining better relationship. Don’t think that you’re losing all positive attributes and accepting negatives. It is the diffusion of two different cultures.

          Once a housewife met a Sage and explained her miserable life. Her husband is an official working in a government firm. Every night he comes drunk. She awaits him to dine together every day. But at the dining table he blames her for some of the dishes or on some other matters. Then she feels very bad and replies. She cries and curses.  The man retaliates with more insulting words. The fight continues and man finishes his dinner and goes to sleep. The poor girl with intense anger and distress eat nothing and goes to bed. This repeats every night and her life becomes miserable and it affects her physical and mental health. The sage enquires everything in detail and suggested, “I will give you a powerful medicine.  Take two teaspoon of it and mix it with one glass of water and take mouthful while your husband comes. Neither drinks in nor spit it out. It is a medicine that cools you down and the powerful energy waves from the medicine reaches your husband and cools him too. You repeat every day until he goes to bed. Then come back after two weeks”. She comes after two weeks and said there is no problem so far. Then the Sage suggests to continue the medicine for one month and to come again. When she came back after one month she looked very happy and said “Guru, actually my husband is a wonderful person and he loves me a lot”. What happened here? The girl sets a goal and changes herself first and that influences her husband naturally.   

          As we have already seen every person has a unique and distinct personality that comprises attitude, behaviour and habits. This personality is the result of that person’s internal world created from the sensory input of lifelong experiences. We can’t blame persons for their negative attributes which are part of personality. No human being wants to be bad by themselves. In NLP point of view there is a positive intention behind every action of a person. Negative behaviour of people are the result of their ecology where they born and brought up. A vulture born and brought up with chickens never acquires vulture’s attributes. The results of social researches done on feral men indicate the importance of ‘proper’ socialization of human being.

          In arranged marriages boy and girl never know the other person’s characteristics unless they have premarital relationship for a long time. But it is not acceptable in arranged marriages and unfortunately it is the most acceptable form of marriages in many part of the world. However the fact is that relationship problems exist in both. NLP is a wonderful tool for relationship management. Keep on learning NLP.


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Unique Personal Characteristic

Unique Personal Characteristic

          We were talking about inner world in the previous session. The role of inner world in making or breaking one’s life is very important. The Inner world is the design and engineering office of a person’s life. Life is not an accident but it is a well planned project of God or the Nature.  The mankind is the super creation of God and they’re the head of all creations. The most distinct feature of human being is the unique properties of their brain especially the power of thinking, the feature which enables them to head and control the entire world on behalf of God.
          When a person is in consciousness all his sensory organs activated and perceive information from the ‘external world’ through ‘human experience’. Along with the processes of deletion, distortion and generalization new data files will be created and old files corrected and upgraded. The entire data files will be organized systematically. What is the thinking process? The thinking process is the analytical coherent function of brain controlled and executed by the conscious mind making use of new data of current experiences and recorded data of the past experiences. During this thinking process, stored memories updated and the data utilizes to make one’s life.

          Making a human’s life is an intellectual work where the role of thinking process is evident.  We’ve seen that the basis of thinking process is the internal world of that person. If the internal world is a hell, the person’s life will be a hell! However many people disagree with this. For them others are hell! In fact that’s not true. Once again recall the phrase ‘You are what you think you are’. It means you are not what others think’.  However many of us are the ‘unconscious slaves’ of our negative thoughts. One of the major reasons for our setbacks in life is these negative thoughts. Whether it negative or positive every behaviours as part of personality is set for a person and he will continue it until he initiate for a change. 
          We have discussed earlier about three personalities based on their preferred system of internal representation. NLP researchers found that the Visual, Audiory and Kinesthetic personality have unique and distinct characteristics. Their interests, capabilities and life styles are unique. They think and behave in a particular way and we can identify them from their specific characteristics. However be cautious that these indications of characteristics are cues to gain rapport (mutual acceptance and concern – rapport building will be discussed in another session) with a person. Once you succeeded in building rapport it is easy to communicate with and change a person.

Visual Personality
-         Visual persons see pictures through inner eyes
-         They use predicates like see, clear, looks etc
-         Visual persons are tidy and hygienic
-         Their narrations always project visuals
-         They like visually attractive gifts
-         Normally they have high voice
-         They understand things easily by reading
-         Visual people remember first what they see
-         They like visual presentations
-         They less distracted by noise and sound
-         A visual person is a good speller of English words
-         They can learn English spelling very fast and recall it so easily

Body: Sit straight, eye balls move up, small muscle movements, thin body and dry skin . . .
Hobbies: Art work collection, painting, photography, computer graphics . . .
Gestures: Pointing fingers or arm, Facial colour changes . . .
Communication: Breathe high from chest when access visuals, hold breath for powerful visuals, tones high pitched and nasal . . .
Carrier Preferences: Engineering, drafting, interior design, architect, fashion design, studio . . .

Auditory Personality
-         Auditory person’s eye balls move side wise
-         They often use words like sounds, loud, echoes etc
-         They learn spoken language very fast
-         They learn by listening and repeating
-         They speak fluently
-         They talk themselves  
-         Auditory people can perform mimicry well
-         They easily distracted by noises and sounds
-         They remember verbal instruction easily
-         They like to enjoy music
-         They are untidy and not health conscious
-         They have dirty habits
-         They easily remember what he heard or discussed
-         They prefer gift resemble music and voice
-         They like new words and discussions
-         They read loudly to understand
-         They can easily write what they hear

Body: Head tilted slightly to one side, shoulders tend to slouch, lean forward for external sound and backward for internal sounds . . .
Hobbies: Listening music and radio talks, singing, playing musical instruments, arguments . . .
Gestures: Folded or cross arm, head tilts, count their fingers, keep palm on chin while thinking . . .
Communication: Breath with full chest while talk, prolonged and controlled exhalation, resonant tonality, talk rhythmically, listening auditory rhythmic body part movements . . .
Carrier Preferences: Music studio, announcer, telephone operator, layers, counsellors etc.

Kinesthetic Personality
-         Their eye balls move down.
-         Kinesthetic person understand subjects by feeling
-         Dress comfortable rather fashionably.
-         They use words like feels, heartfelt, concrete, tough etc.
-         Enjoy physical works
-         They learns by personal experience
-         They feel climate change faster
-         They produce emotional sounds too express their feelings
-         They enjoy physical rewards such as touch, embrace, shake-hand etc
-         They use kinesthetic gestures while reading say for example fisting
-         They try to ensure that spelling and grammar are correct
-         They emotionally enjoy reading, singing, eating, doing works etc 

Body: head sit solidly in shoulders, well centered, broad shoulder, soft body, athletic and sometimes overweight . . .
Hobbies: cooking, smoking, swimming, sunbathing, massaging, athletic, eating
Gestures: hands on heart or chest, rub palms, keep hands on midline of body, make gestures while talking . . .
Communication: breathe fully from abdomen, sudden and deep breath sometimes, deep and low tone, tone change to express emotion, stand close to the other person, talk slowly, takes time to reply, try to touch while talking . . .

Carrier Preferences: massage therapy, construction, sculpting, dancing, spa . . .