Change Your Mood with NLP
Being in different emotional states or
moods is very common among all human beings. Even animals have different moods.
Every person gets into different states (moods) as part of their life
experiences. But the states may not last for long. Moody or mood off state
is a problem state for a person. Mood off states makes a person unable to
access his inner resources and utilize his talents. Some persons get self
motivated and come out of the moody state in a matter of time. Others will take
more time to change mood. However there are a few who remains mood off most of
the time. They become lazy and show no interest in anything. They work like
machines and prefer to do routine works only. Habitual mood of states create relationship
problems and financial setbacks in life. We have to consider it as a mental
disorder and require external intervention.
What is the role of NLP in reinstating
mood? As we have discussed earlier that you cannot not think while you are awake
and we think based on experiences that comprise mental images, sounds and
feelings. What will be your mood if you are thinking of an event in which a person
insults you in front of others? What will be the mood of a child if he unexpectedly
fails in an exam? You look for a promotion and you offer a treat to your family
and what will happen if you lose it? Definitely your mood gets off.
In all the above cases what is
happening? An image flashes into your mind and you start think of it
automatically. You create images of subsequent events, other’s attitude,
behaviour and approach towards you. You talk yourself in a pessimistic way. You
will be anxious about what next? If you have financial setback you definitely
will be worried about your projected plans. So you have created a picture that makes you
feel bad. What else do you require for an off mood! All human beings experience
mood off states throughout their life regardless of their age.
So it is very clear that your
experience does not create ‘off moods’ but how you perceive and process the
experience in your internal world creates the moody condition. So what are the
solutions? Either change your process of thinking which means view
the experience on a different perspective or stop thinking which is not possible
hence change the subject of thinking. What moms do when baby cries? Baby
cries either of off moods or of some physical problems. Mom shows the moon at the
sky and tells ‘baby, my pearl, how beautiful is the moon, it calls you’. She is
trying to replace the negative image with a positive one! It is not easy to
change the process of thinking or replace the negative images because it is the
human nature to hold on the negative images and to be worried and distressed about
it. However it is possible to change the moods with simple NLP techniques.
Technique to Change Moods:
1. Notice
the images, sounds and feelings in your inner world.
2. Find
the location of feelings on the body (say for example on chest, throat, stomach etc) and know its direction of spin (just concentrate on the location and
just watch it, you will get).
3. Notice
your physiology and breathing at your unwanted moody state.
4. Think
of what is the most useful and encouraging state for you.
5. Move
the negative images away and replace them with positive images (images of your God, best friend, best place, wonderful experiences etc) that encourage you
and make you feel the way you want to feel.
6. Tell yourself your favourite quotes of positive thinking to empower you and to erase the negative feeling.
6. Tell yourself your favourite quotes of positive thinking to empower you and to erase the negative feeling.
7. Replace
your negative internal talks (what a shame, I’m a failure, I’m unlucky etc) with positive encouraging statements (I Can, Nothing is Impossible, God
is with me etc).
8. Appreciate
yourself of your best qualities and achievements.
9. Find
the location of the new positive feelings and make it spin in the opposite direction of the unwanted feeling.
10. Change the physiology and breathe
11. Recall a memory of which you feel
wonderful and see what you saw, hear what you heard and elicit
the wonderful feeling throughout the body.
12. Spin the new wonderful feeling
in the direction of the positive feelings.
Read the above texts
twice or thrice and understand the NLP concept of it and try to change your mood.
Also you can help others to change moods.