Thursday, 8 October 2015

Personality and Life Change

Personality and Family Life

            As we have discussed earlier under session ‘NLP concept of personality’, personality is not the external outlook of a person but it is mostly internal. It is the sum of attitude, behaviour and habits. These attributes are internally developed. A person acquires the required perceptual inputs for personality development from his ecology where the person is born and brought up. Remember once again that the family, relatives, peer groups, educational institutes, social organizations and the society are part of the ecology. Of course the foundation laid by a good set of genes have wonderful roles in building personality especially in contributing a ‘fit for purpose’ physiology! 

                A lot of elements in the ecology influence the developments of attitude, behaviour and habits, the building blocks of personality. Values, believes and customs within the ecology have major roles. For example there is a phrase in English ‘the mom’s God’ which means a child believes in the God of its mom and the child also believes in the religion of its mom. How the child talks, walks, eats, acts and reacts mostly depends on what it learns from the ecology.  The child’s life values, skills and customs are mostly adopted and learned from its ecology.

          The ecology of a person is different from that of another person in one way or another. Even for twins some of their ecological elements may differ such as friends and teachers. The books they read and the subjects they study also may differ. All these elements have roles in making their personality unique.

          Different personality creates different interests and approaches. Thinking process of one person is different from other. One may think positively and the other negatively. One may be more patient than the other! One may be short tempered. Because one is born and brought with lions and the other with cattle and one with a horse and the other with a donkey! A vulture brought up with chicken’s never fly high!
          Only by keeping these facts in mind we can discuss about family life. Marriage is the diffusion of two cultures. Many couples forget this and lead a miserable marriage life. They may have everything that can be acquired by money. They have wealth but no health because of mental stress, tension and anxiety cause physical illness. Psychosomatic diseases are the result of mental disorder, ‘soma’ means the body and ‘psych’ means the mind. Mental illness causes physical ailment also.
          Different attitudes and interests of partners will possibly clash. If one partner has a positive attitude towards a particular thing and the other a negative, there will definitely be a clash unless both or at least one partner manages to scarify the self interest. Say for example one partner is a vegetarian and the other non-vegetarian, there may be a chance of clash about the menu. If one prefers different romantic life than the other probably their bedroom will be a hell. One may like picnic and the other movies, one likes reading books and the other prefer to sleep, one loves the parents and relatives the other think the parents are problem, one want children soon and the other consider children as a nuisance. These clashes will continue until they manage to do some adjustments and sacrifices in their personal interests.
          Different attitude and interest cause different behaviours and habits. If a partner doesn’t like involvement of parents that partner prefers to send the parents especially in-laws to an old age home. The one who loves children always likes to deal with kids and the other person stay away from children. In many families especially in the Indian Subcontinent the female partner sacrifices her interest when there are clashes. Such family seems to be strong from an external point of view but the grievances and mental stress experienced by these brides are being disregarded.

          Then, how to make the family a heaven when a lion weds an elephant or a wolf weds a fox! It is a million dollar question! We have to introduce the term Emotional Intelligence (EI or EQ) here. It’s not at all a new term now a days and it has great importance in personality development training programs. EI is the capacity of a person to be aware of, control and express emotions and to manage interpersonal relationships intelligently and empathetically. The term EI is created by Peter Salavoy and John Mayer and popularized by Dan Goleman in his book ‘Emotional Intelligence’.
          Experiencing emotion is the fundamental nature of human being. Animals also have emotions however one of the basic differences between a human and an animal is that human being can control their emotions but animal can’t much of it. We can’t blame animals as a whole, there is a proverb in south India says ‘donkey cease sexual urge by crying loudly’. Isn’t that an intelligent behaviour?!  I mean to control the emotion is a skilled cognitive exercise.

          Couples must be aware that emotions can drive one’s behavior and impact the other partner positively or negatively.  Therefore it is necessary to learn how to recognize, understand and manage emotions both our own and others especially when we are under stress. One partner should try to understand the personal interest, values and customs of the other with due respect and empathy. Partners should accept the fact that both are human beings with emotions and feelings at the same time different personality. Both have unique personality and have self esteem. Husband and wife are equal shareholders of a joint venture partnership!

          Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) can help people in identifying their interests and habits by studying their representational system, the way by which they perceive experiences and how they process it. This is included in the subsequent sessions of this NLP online training program. I don’t want to list out Top Ten points or something similar to it to make your family life wonderful. You can’t make your life wonderful with such bullet points because most of the problems in life are magnification of emotions. Hence I want you to learn NLP to understand, control and manage emotions and make your family a heaven.  

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