Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Heal Yourself and Others

Heal yourself and others!

          People are addicted to medicine and hence pharmaceutical companies are expanding their business to increase the market share and to earn more. Not a single doctor makes the patient sad of not prescribing medicine. Patients are very happy when doctor suggests lab tests and prescribe medicines. They blame the doctor who sends a patient back without prescribing medicines.  Many doctors are living between the devil and sea. One side the medical ethics and other side the frustrated patient.

          Recently a cancer patient in our village was telling that he is very angry to his doctor because he didn’t prescribe any medicine for a week time. How can a doctor prescribe chemotherapy or radiation without proper investigation, biopsy and lab reports! This is the case of a terminal disease but we can’t even manage minute headaches, little fever or small wounds without medicine.
          Sometimes doctors test new medicines on their patients without their consent and you may be one of that ‘guinea pigs’! You have the right to know which medicine cures your disease however even the doctor doesn’t know, then how do you know it? This is a universal problem in the medical field.

          Doctors prescribe medicines for stress, tension, anxiety, fear and all kinds of aches without considering the root cause. They know that they can’t solve the problem but they are under pressure. Many patients are lifelong consumers of medicines for such mental disorders. Pharmaceutical companies encourage them by sending ‘the best customer award’. Customer satisfaction is their motto!

          The fact is that almost seventy to eighty percent of our diseases are psychosomatic which can’t be treated with medicine! Psychosomatic diseases are diseases of body (soma) caused by abnormalities in the mind (Psych). They affect the body and hence some medicine may require to reinstates the body conditions.  However it is just a temporary solution. The problem still remains and it will affect the body again and again and doctor prescribes the same generic medicines every time.

          You might suffer from headaches many times and just by applying a balm or using a pain killer it disappear without using any medicine to cure the problem behind headache. Pain is not a disease it is the symptom of physical hurt or disorder. So to eliminate the pain the root cause of the pain should be treated. When you have a physical wound you feel pain until it heals. You clean the wound and use medicines to avoid infection. That’s all.  

          Medical science can do wonders on human and animal bodies to protect them from viruses, bacteria and fungus.  Injuries are well treated by medical science. They can replace the internal organs with readymade artificial organs. They can transplant internal organs including liver and heart from one person to other. They reinforce the limbs with artificial one. These are the most valuable services the medical science can do for human being to sustain their life. However all these wonderful medical practices form only around 20 to 30% of interventions where the application of medicines supports the treatment! Homeopathy and Ayurveda are also found much effective in curing above diseases with the exception of surgery.

          What about the other 70 to 80% health problems which constitute the major part? They are the mental disorders where medicine can do nothing to cure the actual cause of diseases but only the effects. But unfortunately people prefer to consult medical practitioner and obtain medicinal drugs even for psychosomatic disorders because the patients want relief from its effects, headaches, pains on body, numbness, stress, tension etc. The fact is that usually most of such psychosomatic disorders are not properly diagnosed and identified as psychosomatic. The patients meet a physician or some other specialist and get medicines for the symptoms or the effects and they get rid of it temporarily. Since the root causes are not solved patient continues the treatment for lifetime!

          Phobias, traumas, migraine headaches, allergies, bad habits, perverted attitudes, unwanted behaviours, stress, tension, anxiety, emotional blocks etc are nothing but mental disorders. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like nail biting, thump sucking, bed wetting and impulsive behaviours like bulimia, anorexia, obesity, procrastination, laziness, indecisiveness, talking too loudly, excessive self criticism and overspending are also caused by mental abnormalities.  

          Normal life is impossible for many highly educated people due to migraines and allergies. Medical practitioners test a number of medicines on them for years but no permanent solution.  Lift phobia and flight phobia affects the performance of very rich businessmen. Hydrophobia, dog phobia, snake phobias etc are the problems of common people. There are a lot more psychological problems people bear for a long period even after continuous medication. We can include all these problems under the common name psychosomatic diseases since the root cause lies in the mind not in the body.

          What is the role of NLP in healing psychosomatic diseases? Here we have to recall the process of forming ‘internal representation or inner world’. The sensory input translated into internal images, sounds and feelings and stored as our inner word or map.  We act based on this map. We know that the thought process and filtration play the major roles in the formation of the map. Internal Map influences the body through brain functions and we can call it as the mind body communication.  We look at what we think we can or can’t, we tell ourselves what bad or what good, we have feelings about the things or events. Our feelings are in fact composed of the images and sounds we make in our inner world. When we experience an emotion our brain communicates with our body.
          Scientists have discovered a link between the mind and body. The means that the mind and body communicate with each other is the chemistry of emotion. When the mind experiences an emotion some chemicals are created within the body. These are chains of amino acid molecules, peptides and receptors and we can call it as the biochemical correlate of emotion.

          Peptides are biologically occurring short chains of amino acid monomers linked by peptide (amide) bonds. These bonds are covalent bonds formed when the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another. Neurokinin A is an example of such peptides that has many excitatory effects on nervous systems of mammals and is also influential on the inflammatory and pain responses of mammals.
          Receptors are protein molecules usually found embedded within the plasma membrane surface of a cell that receives and response to chemical signals from outside the cell. Good examples of such receptors are the neurotransmitter receptors transmitting information from one nerve cell to another.

          Our body cells listen to all our thoughts every moment of our lives. Hence our emotions influence our body function as the peptides and receptors are in constant communication with our body. This is the reason for psychosomatic diseases! When you afraid your heart beats increases, when you angry your face muscles stretches and skin colour changes and when you feel happy your body get relaxed. When you feel so sorrow your eyes flood tears! When you hear some shocking news your body becomes stiff and you can’t move. All these are the real conditions. But the unconscious mind is unable to discriminate what is true or what is false. Unconscious believes what your conscious tells or what you think.
          Say for example: During a night you walk through a street. At once the power supply fails. All lights go off. You stop walking because it is very dark. Suddenly you hear some sound nearby. Somebody is moving there. “Yes, somebody is there.” You affirmed. You just remember the words of your colleague “be careful, they are very angry towards you and may retaliate at any time”. Your heart beat increased. You feel shivering. “Yes, that’s definitely the person sent by them to retaliate”. You become very scared and try to call out loudly for help but your throat dries out. “Better to run fast”, you change the decision. You immediately lean forward to run, but right away the power supply comes. You looked around and found nobody there and it is a five feet tall garden plant swaying in the wind!

          If you see a rope and think that it’s a snake your unconscious considers it as a snake and tells you to save your life. If you see a person and assume that he comes to kill you then your unconscious mind tell you to run away. Your teacher tells you that elocution is a difficult task for you and you can’t do it and better to try something else. If you believe it your unconscious mind never allows you to step on to a stage. Shortly you will have stage fear! So whatever your mind believes your body acts accordingly.  When you repeat the acts you create a habit. Habits of fear, tension, anxiety, hatred, revenge, doubt, eating, spending etc. This is the basic reason for psychosomatic diseases.

          NLP can intervene here. Using NLP techniques we can understand the internal map of a person and update it. Richard Bandler and other NLP practitioners worldwide healing people and changing their life for the last 40 years. The objective of the blog “catch your monkey” is to familiarize you with Neuro Linguistic Programming and enables you to change your life as well as that of many others’. Remember NLP practitioners do not prescribe any medicine to heal a person.

          I will include a number of NLP techniques in this free training course however you should read every session two or three times very carefully. I request you to convey the message to others too. Keep on learning NLP.

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